B&G Blog — announcements

Here it is! The Debut Line Photoshoot

We are very excited to present to you the first full Blood & Grease photoshoot from our debut line!  We had the unique opportunity to work with this beautiful young gal along with Tribe Agency & Vinny Mac Photography.  All of these items are currently available through our online store until the run out!  As always, our products are a limited run, tee's are soft printed on American Apparel - shipped sealed fresh, folded and with a sticker!

Welcome, welcome.


We hope you are excited as we are...today is the launch of the official Blood & Grease website and store!  There is so much time and effort (and of course blood, and grease) involved in getting things to this moment!  The B&G brand was no last-minute, hastily thrown-together idea - But rather something that has literally been in the works for years!

The entire B&G brand, feel, and style was something that was put in the hands of VACCAR custom auto designer and AutoLife Tour host, Aaron Vaccar. ...